Room Linear Robot Customer application in the laboratory
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Júlia Vallverdú from mo:re presents the Room Linear Robot, which offers a solution for automated processes in laboratories. With its two arms, it performs tasks efficiently and precisely.
The first arm specializes in removing containers from storage and placing them on a free surface. This enables the containers to be prepared for the filling process in an orderly and fast manner. The second arm of the robot is equipped with a pipette with which it removes the liquid and precisely fills the container with it. This step-by-step procedure is repeated until all containers are filled with liquid and can then be placed back in the storage unit.
Each container is optimally filled thanks to the exact dosing of the liquid and the precise accuracy of the pipette. This is particularly important for sensitive substances.
Another advantage of the Raumportal robot is the automatic data acquisition. This enables detailed monitoring and evaluation of the filling quality and ensures that the required standards are met.
Due to the lubrication-free application, it can also be used in clean rooms. The Room Linear Robot therefore offers an innovative solution for laboratories that have to comply with the highest hygiene and cleanliness standards.
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