Three Finger Centric SoftGripper - 15° Cone Angle
Warianty: Without FDA compliant base
The SoftGrippers are lightweight, easy to use and have no sharp edges. The heart of our grippers are the fingers. They adapt to the shape of any object without damaging the surface. The main advantages are light weight, speed and ability to work with all types of food. Our pneumatically driven fingers are made of FDA-approved silicone rubber. We guarantee a lifetime of more than 10 million cycles at 1 bar pressure.
Standardowy czas dostawy: 3 weeks
Max Gripping force
Recommended workpiece weight

Typowe obszary zastosowania
SoftGripper jest idealny do zastosowań typu pick&place w przemyśle spożywczym. Typowe obszary zastosowania to zbieranie truskawek i transport ogólny owoców, jabłek, fig, mandarynek, jaj i fiolek.
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