2D IR vision sensor for object detection and inspection
Nr art.: RBTX-IFM-0019
- Combinable 2D inspection of contours and surfaces for maximum quality assurance
- The IR version has an integrated bandpass filter that only allows light in the infrared spectrum to pass through. This makes the device very robust against ambient light.
- Powerful algorithms master even demanding requirements
- User-friendly software simplifies inspection task set-up
- Reliable function in changing light conditions
- Electric focus takes aim at details
- Modell O2D520
Standardowy czas dostawy: 3 weeks
Type of light
Ułatw sobie wybór produktów
Ten link przeniesie Cię do inteligentnego kalkulatora pola obrazu producenta ifm:
Inteligentny kalkulator pola obrazu do wyboru produktów — ifm
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