Mobile robot eduard
The mobile robot “Eduard” is an education and training robot that can be expanded in its functions as desired. It is therefore suitable for both training and research. Proof-of-concepts in the field of sensor technology are, among other things, an everyday application in which the robot is already being used.The robot can be freely and standardised programmed using the ROS1 and ROS2 frameworks. An Arduino standard interface is attached for electrical expansion. Ethernet and USB connections are also available. Various voltages can be tapped inside the robot, via which a wide variety of sensors and actuators can be supplied. Mechanical expandability is ensured by the use of aluminium profiles to which specially designed components can be attached.
Kod open source, w tym opisy na GitHub (EduArt Robotik GmbH)
4x silniki DC Faulhaber
Kolory: Fluorescencyjny czerwony, czerwony, pomarańczowy, zielony i niebieski Napęd mechaniczny i układ kierowniczy zbiornika (koła terenowe)
Zintegrowane czujniki: IMU, 4x czujniki odległości ToF, pomiar napięcia, pomiar temperatury, ...
Żywotność baterii: 3 godziny
Nośność do 10 kg
Kontroler PlayStation 5
Gotowe do użycia modele symulacyjne Gazebo (GitHub)
Już wkrótce: Kontroler sieciowy z certyfikatem CE
Opakowanie na rolkach wózka (IP67)
Regał magazynowy
Zapasowe śruby
Klucz imbusowy