AGS magnetic gripper set
Nr art.: RBTX-AGS-0013
This gripping system (set) is suitable for small components which are ferromagnetic and can be handled with 2 magnetic grippers.
The gripper is mounted on a gripper base plate. The gripper base plate is attached to the corresponding robot via the drilling pattern. A base profile is attached directly to the base plate. The 2 magnetic grippers are each connected to the prism profile via a cross connector. The gripper units can thus be moved on the profile.
The system is supplied with pneumatic fittings. It can be extended at any time. You can draw on over 2500 system components here.
Standardowy czas dostawy: 3 weeks
Do transportu elementów wykonanych z materiałów ferromagnetycznych
Do metalowych arkuszy z otworami i wycięciami
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