OMRON T20 Teach pendant

Nr art.: RBTX-OMRO-0004

T20 hand-held control unit

The T20 hand-held pendant station offers maximum ergonomics in an extremely robust and ergonomic housing for manual teaching of the robot system. All gripping and holding positions enable comfortable and fatigue-free operation of the device. The T20 hand-held control unit is compatible with all robot systems that are controlled via the SmartController EX.

Ten produkt nie jest dostępny w Państwa lokalizacji


Product details

  • Switching the power supply on and off

  • Moving the robot in different modes (joint, world, tool, frame)

  • Emergency stop button and 3-stage tuning switchColorful and high-resolution user interface

  • Teaching of positions

  • Display of the robot position, the status of the digital inputs/outputs as well as system status

  • and error messagesDisplay of the IP address of the controller

Choose your compatible OMRON robot

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